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Henry Mayo Hospital Opens 24 Hour Health Tip Line

Citing the need for more community outreach to prevent small health problems from turning into costly and urgent health care emergencies, the Henry Mayo Hospital has set up a staffed, 24 hour tip line where callers can get up to date health advice without needing to access the internet. 

Dr. Hugh Janus, Vice Chair of the Proctology Department at Henry Mayo became especially concerned with the number of people coming into the ER with ailments that progressively worsened over time until they became so severe that emergency measures were required for treatment.  “What we’ve seen develop in the Santa Clarita Valley recently is a spike in preventable and costly ER treatments for things that could’ve been controlled or reversed before they reached this critical point,” said Dr. Janus. 

Dr. Janus hopes to enjoy the same success as the last program he created.  “Some may remember the recent ‘If it isn’t supposed to go in there, don’t put it in!’ campaign,” related Dr. Janus.  This program was recently awarded the American Medical Association’s most impactful campaign award.  “I can’t tell you how many less injuries and hospitalizations we saw from Millennials and other high-risk groups such as local city employees after we got the word out,” said Dr. Janus. 

Given the severity of the current problem, Henry Mayo approached several donors to seek funding to operate a 24 hour hotline for residents.  “We couldn’t simply rely on a web page to deliver the message.  We need a staffed hotline as many of those most impacted such as those with no home but have an Obama Phone, or the elderly who cannot effectively operate modern cell phones can still get this life saving advice,” said Henry Mayo Communications Director, Betty Infirnum

The donations flooded in from many of the Santa Clarita elite to get the new program going.   “Today we are proud to announce the 24 hour health hotline at Henry Mayo Hospital.  To get this potentially life saving information, dial JUST-THE-TIP (587-884-3847) from any government subsidized cell phone for immediate health advice.  If you don’t have a government subsidized phone, you can call our local number: 661-200-2000 and tell the operator that you need “just the tip please” and you will be immediately connected with the help you need,” said Infirnum.

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